For Thanksgiving we were able to make it home to California. It was nice to spend a little time with my family and enjoy the nice weather. I think that would definitely have to make it onto the list of things I am thankful for. *CaLiForNiA WeAthEr! While we were there Kelan was able to party it up with his cousins. He loved following Mikey and William around everywhere they went. We played lots of games, went to the Christmas Parade, the park, Adventure Park, and of course hit up the Black Friday deals. It was fun to get away and spend some time with family... we miss you guys already.
This picture pretty much sums up our week... Brayden was sick and sad most the week. Kelan sat back and enjoyed the show until he figured out how boys play. Mikey and William were the life of the party. I am thankful for NePhEwS who keep life interesting!

Cute little William in his big boy undies.
Kelan and Michael speed racin.
The Christmas parade. The horses were Kelan's favorite part.
Kelan and Grandpa relaxing. I am thankful for GRaNdPareNtS and PaReNts who love you.
Me, Stevo and Meg. I am grateful for SiBLinGs who are always there for you.

Kelan's new favorite thing to do... make a sad face. Mikey taught him how to do this and Kelan thinks it is pretty funny. I am thankful for my KiDS who make me laugh... yes Spencer is considered one of my kids.

Our attempt at a family picture. Obviously none of us are used to seeing the sun so nice and bright. We are all struggling to keep our eyes open. I am so Thankful for a LOvInG HuSbAnD who takes care of us.
Great update, glad you had a fun time, can't wait to see you...
Great thankful post! I love Kelan's face. That is awesome. He'll love to see that some day. I also love the last picture. Your family looks great.
i think your family photo is very cute! i'm glad you had a vun trip, but even glad-er that your back to omaha! ;) i missed you
37 days left?! are you freaking out?
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