We finally did it... we got rid of the binks. Did we do it on purpose? NO, but I'm glad it is done. We have been down to one binky for a while now and we said once it's gone it's gone. We finally lost the last one and that was that. I will have to say I still want to run to Wal-Mart and grab a new one from time to time. Beckham sleeps great but the problem is how handy it was during church. We have been spending a lot of time in the halls. Can't wait for Nursery!

p.s. this picture is what I found after I had taken a quick shower. The best part is Beckham was just about asleep. Kelan put him in there and said it was his new house.
love the post...
Nikki, it has been FOREVER!!! I cannot believe how big and adorable your boys are! Life looks like it's treating you well. Glad to see that!
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