Sunday, July 10, 2011

Anderson Family Reunion

ALL of Spencer's family came into town for a week of fun, fun, fun! It was a little non-stop but I think we got it all in. This is our last year here and that means it is the last year to enjoy the College Baseball World Series. Spencer's family loves baseball so it was fun to have them here to enjoy the fun atmosphere Omaha has during this time.

Opening Ceremonies

Stephen and Afton's family came out early to enjoy the opening ceremonies with us. Tina McBride sang and there were some amazing fireworks... plus a lot of mumbo jumbo about a lot of baseball stuff.

Afton and Brooks
Tina McBride

The Zoo
The Zoo is probably my favorite parts of Omaha. It was fun to show everyone how cool it really is.

Kelan and Brooksie
Parade of Strollers
Jungle bridge
Stinky Goats

Happy Zoey
T.J., Ansley and Cohen

Carver loved Beckham.

Winter Quarter's

Going to Winter Quarter's with this many kids probably wasn't the most spiritual experience... but it sure was fun!

Our little Pioneers
The ladies
Cheesy Kelan
Kelan was pretty happy to have all of his cousins at his house.
Silly Carver
Ryan, Carrie and their cute girls.

Girl Time

Robyn was so nice and took all the girls to get pedicures. Thanks!

Water Park

We were able to stay cool at the Splash Station. Thank goodness we just missed the storm rolling in.

Grandma and Grandpa
Beckham doesn't like to be crowded. That's why he trying to push Kelan off.

Sweet Shades. Beckham didn't want to give them back.
The Boys.
Kelan and Beckham love the water park.
Just hanging out.
So sleepy
Choo Choo slide.

The Mall
It was pretty funny going out with this many kids... but we did it. I was pretty impressed that we didn't loose any of them.

Pizza Machine

Grandpa took all the kids to the Pizza Machine. It was so fun and all the Grandkids loved it! Thanks Papa!

I think Kelan has a secret crush on his Aunt Meme.
This is the only thing Beckham wanted to do the entire time.
Beckham loves his daddy.
Lookin' good!
I think the adults enjoyed it just as much as the kids.
Crazy Cohen
Grandpa and ZoZo.

Family Pictures

We try to take pictures every time we are all together... and I'm pretty sure it keeps getting trickier and trickier. Everyone might not be looking/smiling but we got a few decent ones!

Behind the scenes... fruit snacks, balls and quick feet.


Josh and Dana said...

How fun!!!! Looks like you guys had a blast! I have secretly been waiting for these pictures! (;

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

so sweet, good job....thanks for including the skin picture of me....oh well,, I guess you got me back....