Beckham turned 2! He is growing up sooo fast. It is so fun to see the little guy he is turning into. Beckham LOVES basketball, baseball, football... anything that has to do with balls. He is very independent and loves to tell you what to do. He is always telling Kelan "NO, NO Kelly" and telling me to "wait a minute mommy" he is in charge. Hahaha... We love you Beckham.
Happy B-day!
When we were at the store getting stuff for Beckham's party Kelan wouldn't let us leave without balloons. He even asked if he could help blow them up once Beckham went to bed. He was pretty disappointed in the morning when he realized he didn't get to help.
Beckham loved the balloons.
Bounce U!
We had Beckhams party at Bounce U with a few friends. It was so fun and the kids loved it. My favorite part was I didn't have to clean up my trashed house after. Perfect party!
Beckham's favorite part... surprise. The air made the ball float there and then he got to hit it. He was obviously a little young/short for it but it didn't stop Beckham.
The huge slide with dad and Kelan.
He was feeling pretty Special.
Beckham's new thing is Toy Story. He loves "Buzz Woody".
Beckham's Buds.
Chow Down.
Lots of helpers.
Bounce House Round 2
We had to go back since T.J. and Ansley came into town to party with us.

Pizza Machine
We also had to go to the Pizza Machine with T.J. and Ansley it's become a tradition for birthdays. Beckham loves to pray for the pizza machine every now and again... it is pretty cute how sincere his prayers are.
Beckham's favorite game... BASKETBALL. I love how he is sticking his tongue out and seriously focusing. He wanted to play this all night.
Coco Bean and Beckham. These two are the best buds.
T.J., Ansley and cute baby Ledger.

YUMMY! They asked me to take this picture. Obviously all you can drink ICEE's is a highlight for these boys.
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