Monday, April 16, 2012

Baby Crew

We had some newborn pictures taken of crew when he was just 12 days old. A guy and his wife in our ward took them and they did such a great job. (Thanks Ryan and Emily!) Crew is now a month old and is growing so fast. At his month check up he weighed 9lbs 6oz (35 percentile) and his height was in the 91st percentile. He is chunkin up fast. Some of the nicknames he already has are cruiser the snoozer, cruiser the bruiser, and crew-crew. He really is a good little sleeper. He goes down about 11 and wakes up whenever we get up and get moving. He has the Anderson sleepy genes, Thank goodness! We sure love this little guy.

I love all the wrinkles in this picture.

Look at that big hand... so sleepy.

He loves his monkey.

Cute feetsies.


The Dunyons said...

I LOVE these pictures....i absolutly need some!!!