Summer time is my favorite time of the year! I love everything about it! The warm sun, the cool pool, the long summer nights, the barbecuing, trips to the beach, and so much more. Every year each sibling takes a turn planning the family summer vacation and this year it was Mikes turn. He did an awesome job finding a beautiful campsite. We camped between Santa Cruz and Monterey and it was a blast! It was such a fun and relaxing weekend.
Our site had the best climbing tree. The kids were entertained for hours. Oh and those 4 boys... I love my handsome boys, I am one lucky girl.
Setting up Grandma and Grandpas tent. Look at how dirty that sweet little girls face is. Claire we've only been at the campsite for 10 minutes! Haha, the best part about camping!
The first night we were there we walked down to the beach to fly kites and watch the sunset.
Crew was having a tough time walking on the beach. It was pretty funny watching him stumble around all weekend.
There was this cute little firehouse museum that we visited and I think it was one of the kids favorite parts of the whole trip.
They gave us a personal tour and we all got our very own firefighter hats. Spencer didn't really want to wear his so I got to wear both of ours. You can see the excitement on Beckahm's face in this picture. He can't hold it back!
I will have to say as the kids get older camping gets even more fun! They were busy playing and exploring the whole time we were there. It was such a nice break from the constant asking to play video games or watch a show!
Mr. William turned 6 while we were there. Happy Birthday William! I can't believe how big all these kids are getting. It is so fun!
This wast the path from our campsite down to the beach. It was so beautiful! Poor Beckham sprained his ankle at some point while we were camping and by the last night and day he couldn't walk anywhere. He had to be carried or strolled everywhere. Poor kid was way bummed he was missing out, it was torture to have to sit still.
The water was freezing as usual but the kids didn't care.
Spencer and Crew slept for a good 2 hours on the beach. The best napping spot ever! The sad part... that blanket didn't do its job of blocking them from the sun! Spencer got pretty toasted and a strip of Crews face too. Luckily they put sunscreen on, it could've been a lot worse.
The kids had so much fun finding crabs.
The last day we were there we headed to The Boardwalk. We went on a few rides and then walked around downtown and got pizza, ice cream, and shopped.

Can you see the fear in Kelan's eyes!? He was pretty nervous especially when I would make us tip forward and backward. He kept saying "that sign says not to do that Mom!" We survived.
We had such a fun time hanging out with family! Can't wait for next year!
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