Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Halloween Fun!

We were so lucky that this year Spencer got Halloween off because of the awesome rotation he was on. The boys loved having Spence home all day long, he's way more fun in the celebrating holidays department then me. He carved pumpkins, watched Halloween movies, took them to the school parade and trick-or-treated late into the night with all of us. It was so much fun!
Carving pumpkins. The boys got to gut it and Spence carved.
 Crew was like "forget carving pumpkins I'm diggin into the candy."
 Beckham decide to join Crew in the diggin into the candy.
 Kelan lasted the longest. Maybe next year we'll let him do it all by himself.
 Watching Icahbob Crane.
 Look at all that Candy! Sheesh!
 They were such a cute little trio this year. Beckham was so excited to be Yoda.
 The best part is... so many people thought he was Shrek. Haha. It's alright he knew he was Yoda.
 Crew decided he'd rather hang with dad then walk the parade with Kelan and Beckham.
 Kelan was such a big brother and guided Beckham around the whole time.
 It was madness with Kelan's whole school doing the parade and then going to the classrooms to trick-or-treat. We only lost Beckham once. Haha.
 Ward Trunk-or-treat. We were slacking in the decorating our car department. There's always next year.
 These boys meant business.
 Happy Halloween from Yoda and Vader. I love how their costumes kinda match their personalities right now. Wise and quiet and a little on the dark side, haha.