Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas in St. Louis...

This year we met up with the Anderson's in St. Louis. It was a lot of fun hanging out and relaxing with the whole clan. We had fun seeing a few of the sights, playing games and being entertained by a little karaoke. Thanks to T.J. and Ansley there was enough room for all of us.

Christmas Morning

Christmas Eve P.J.'s
Brooks, Cohen, and Kelan

Papa and Kelan checking out their stockings.

Kelan and Spencer putting together his train tracks.

Kelan and Spencer playing cars in the tent.

Aunt Meme with all the nieces and nephews in their onesie P.J.'s.

Spencer rapping it up on the Karaoke machine.

Kaydree and Kelan in their hats Grandma had made for them.

The boys playing in the tub.

The Magic House

Kaydree and Kelan climbing up Jack's bean stock.

Spence and Kelan taking a ride on the CAT.

Fishing in the pond.

Spencer trying to pull the bubble over his whole body.

Me and Ansley in the static room. Ansley's hair didn't work as well as mine.

Trying to get Kelan out of the Magic House. As you can see he loved it.

St. Louis Arch Museum

The St. Louis Arch


Kelly Munns said...

it's all so cute...and i think i see a belllly! you're due any day now, aren't you?!

Robert and Robyn Anderson said...

loved it...thanks for the update, you got some good pictures....only 11 more days, how exciting....